miércoles, 6 de agosto de 2008

In Poo

19:40 hrs 6-8-8.at the albergue in Poo.
Karen & I are walking the Camino Santiago to raise money for schools in the HOLY LAND (Terre Sancta) which offer places to Jewish,Christian & Muslim children together.The money is sent through a charity ACN.
See our own blog : wayofstjames.blogspot.com and our website www.goodwillwalk@hotmail.com we can be emailed on goodwillwalk@hotmail.co.uk
We have found the Albergue to be clean & tidy & the staff v friendly with 2 of them speaking English which helps us as we speak no Español & a tiny bit of French (between us).
We look forward - in 15 minutes to trying the food.
The more intrepid of you may be interested in our next venture - The JESUS WAY.
In March 2009 I hope to walk from the Sea of Galilee where the LORD lived during most of His Ministry,thru Nazareth where He grew up and down thru Samaria & Judea/West Bank to Jerusalem.This is more or less where He walked to His Passion.

Paul Sullivan -Goodwill Walk

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